Elevators HelloWorld by neudeep - February 7, 2019February 12, 20191 From several 100 years back , elevators were created that are for water driven mechanism.In 18's new invented elevators were created that for lifting high weight materials. Depending upon applications now modifications are happening in elevators. Elevators are convenient way for vertical Transportation in safer mode.Also it saves time and energy efficiently. It has capacity to bare high weight materials.shortly it acts as carrier for transportation. In world-wide there are several manufactures for elevators.Depending upon applications they are manipulating features included it. Top manufacturers of Elevators from Pune 1.Orbitech Elevators.2.Tower Elevators.3.Force Technologies.4.Avicon Elevators pvt ltd.5.Idea elevators company.6.Escon elevators.7.OTIS Elevators co ltd.8.Escon Elevators. Types of Elevator Roped hydraulic elevator.Prematic vaccum elevator.Counterweight chain drive elevator.Traction drive elevator. Working of elevator Basic structure of elevator 1)Counterweight: By exerting opposite force it provides balance
Elevator HelloWorld by neudeep - February 6, 2019March 4, 20190 Elevator is nothing but one or more cars which are metal boxes which rise up and down for vertical transport of people or goods. Parts: Car(metal boxes)CounterweightElectric motor ,Braking systemStrong metal cables and pulleysControl SystemSwitches and SensorsSafety system Basic diagram of elevator system It uses motor for hoisting the car. For vertical movement it uses strong metal cables and pulleys. There are different types of elevators based upon different factors like technologies used,application,speed,hoist mechanism used,whether it carries people or good ,control system used,etc. Two types of elevators that are most commonly used in residential and commercial buildings are: Traction elevators and Hydraulic elevators.For high speed and high rising modern buildings,traction elevators are used.Traction elevators are also energy efficient