ESP32 IDF STPM32/33 SPI Issue Solved by neudeep - January 12, 20220 This post discusses ESP32 IDF STPM32/33 SPI Issue and its solution, There are lot of issues reported on GitHub and aurdinio forum. Well ESP32 is from Espressif Systems and is a popular IoT controller used in embedded systems. While COVID-19 had accelerated most of the touchless and wireless features in any sort of product, these controllers like ESP32, ESP8266 had proven their time to market. In our product, While using SPI of ESP32, We are using esp32 wroom32. In our Smart Meter IoT Application Software, we need to read the internal registers of STPM32/33. As ESP32 is interfaced with STPM32/33- a popular metering module - over SPI. For that purpose, we are using SPI protocol. STPM32/33 has SPI peripheral which
How To Interface GPS With BeagleBone Green BBGW by blog_1buq8n - August 8, 2021August 19, 20210 This post discuss on how to connect and test your BeagleBone Green wireless with NEO-6M GPS module. After reading this article you will know how to play with the u-blox NEO-6M global positioning system (GPS) module. These days NEO-6m is a very popular, cost-effective GPS module. So lets get started with How To Interface GPS With BeagleBone Green board. Introduction To NEO-6M GPS Module You can easily check all NMEA 0813-National Marine Electronics Association - statements using this module. NEO-6m module works well with a DC input from 3.3- to 5-V range. That means it can easily powered up from your Raspberry Pi, Arduino, ESP32, or Beaglebone board. NEO-6M GPS module comes up with UART interface. You might have noticed that
BBGW And MQTT Broker Using Desktop BBGW by blog_1buq8n - July 3, 2021September 29, 20210 In the previous post we have seen different ways to connect BBGW - BeagleBone Green Wireless board with Wi-Fi and unboxing BBGW for the fist time. This post is about how to test BBGW and MQTT Broker using desktop or laptop. When building IoT applications it is good practice to send test data using your desktop or laptop. This makes sure that your IoT application built using either flutter or android works fine. This will also help to reduce the waiting time for actual firmware and hardware getting ready. The mobile application developer can test and run his application without actual hardware. This technique can save you a lot of time and energy for the rest of your project development. MQTT