Ubuntu To Debian Upgrade Issues LinuxAdmin by blog_1buq8n - June 20, 2020June 20, 20200 If you have received following message from dreamhost on VPS upgrade and your Ruby apps are broken then here are few tips that might save your day. "We will be upgrading your Virtual Private Server from version 14.04 (also known as trusty) to Debian 9.12 (aka Stretch!) ". Yes as they mentioned in their email that there are some environment changes that effect your system if you are using Ruby, Python, PHP, or run a site that relies heavily on specific server packages. Lets start with Ubuntu To Debian Upgrade Issues on VPS of Dreamhost. This post will help you only if you have already installed redmine on dreamhost VPS and your server is now upgraded to Debain Stretch. SVN Write
Install Redmine on DreamHost VPS Server LinuxAdmin by blog_1buq8n - October 14, 2019June 29, 20200 Recently we moved to dreamhost VPS server and signed in for 3 year service. We were using redmine in our projects for handling project management activities. After successful installation of latest redmine release on local server, it was time to move on to install and test it on webservers. But when we contacted Dreamhost support they have standard reply, Thank you for writing into DreamHost Support!Unfortunately, we cannot assist with custom configs for that application, My apologies. If you need root access for the install then you would need to use a dedicated server or DreamCompute and that would not be allowed on your current VPS.Dreamhost Support Reply There are multiple resources available across the web about Redmine on Dreamhost,
Install Redmine On Ubuntu With Solved Gem BuildError LinuxAdmin by blog_1buq8n - April 29, 2019December 11, 20191 This post describes in detail on howto install Redmine latest version on Ubuntu 18.04 -x86_64 GNU/Linux system. Redmine is one of the most widely used open source software tool and platform for project management, issue tracking and project execution. With lot of freely available plugins one can also use Redmine as CMS, Invoicing, finance, HR and most of the activities that are involved in small scale software company. If you are startup company and looking for all in one tool Redmine is answer. This guide is little bit lengthy as there are few workaround during installation, so grab your coffee before you start. If your system does not have apache server installed then follow step 1, else skip to step